Activity 3
Mapping of the occurrence of the species in the Czech Republic (measure 3.3.1 of Management Programme for the Eurasian Beaver in the Czech Republic)
The knowledge of the current distribution of the species in our territory is the key information for proper functioning of Management Programme for the Eurasian beaver in the Czech Republic. The presence of beavers connected with a possibility of their free expansion in the C-zone is undesirable. This zone covers Czech southern and western fishpond basins where the influence of beaver activity may give rise to enormous damage. For more information on zoning and differentiated protection of beavers see Management Programme for the Eurasian Beaver in the Czech Republic, which is available here).
Within the project MGSII-38 the measure was dealt only partly – at the area of the Šumava Forest – which is directly adjacent to the C-zone. In neighbouring Bavaria, due to a successful reintroduction programme realized in the 60s of the 20th century, a strong and stable beaver population have been developed. In the course of time, the beavers began to overcome the watershed barrier by moving over the Šumava Mountains and they got also on our territory. In the past few years a permanent beaver population has begun to develop in the Šumava Forest, and individuals are gradually beginning to expand further into the neighbourhood. At the same time, many waterways originating in this area supply water to the territory of Czech southern and western pond basins, so the beavers can spread downstream directly to the C-zone without any additional barriers. It means that definition of the size and potential of the Šumava population is necessary information for determining the potential risk of damage in the adjacent C-zone.
The outputs of this activity were described in detail in the final project report.
Information on emerging settlement in the B-zone is also very valuable for us, but it is not the main focus of the solving task.
If you learn about a location which has been newly colonized by beavers, you can tell us this information via the contact form.